The Shooter’s Guide to the Browning Hi Power – REVISED EDITION

 This book’s scope and my intent are best described in its introduction, which follows:

“In 2003 I completed The Shooter’s Guide to the Browning Hi Power, a treatise on my favorite all-around semiautomatic   pistol. Although the book appears to have been well-received, I believed that it could be improved not only by careful editing but through the use of higher quality photographs for illustration.  Some aspects of the Hi Power not covered in the original work will be in this one. It is my intention that this book be both an improvement and a replacement for the original so that new readers do not feel like they missed anything and older ones already owning the original book do not see this one as but a regurgitated version of it.

Pertinent material presented in the first book is included in this one because it needs to be. At the same time, this will be a different read, hopefully a better one. This book does not focus on production dates or material primarily of interest to Hi Power collectors. As with the original, its target audience is users and aficionados intending to actually use the pistol for protection, recreation or both.  To this end, updated ballistic information for newer 9mm loads is presented as well as discussions on both the 40-caliber Hi Powers and those converted to .357 SIG, but the primary focus will remain the 9mm Hi Power.

Ammunition reports, accuracy, reliability, springs, spare parts, troubleshooting and just sharing what has “worked” for me over the years are all included along with a Frequently Asked Questions chapter. (Many of these questions will be the same as in the original book because they are still being asked, but there are additional ones as well.)

The Hi Power is also compared to several of its more contemporary competitors and its relevance discussed with neither overenthusiastic whitewashing nor unwarranted bashing.  Instead, both weaknesses and strengths are laid on the table for all to see.  Right up front I admit difficulty in remaining purely objective when discussing the Hi Power, but I will try to be and state opinions as such without equating them to either actual observations or accepted fact.

Many shooters consider the Hi Power to be one of the best semiautomatics to ever see the battlefield or back alley and a worthy companion if anywhere remotely near the Valley of Death. At the same time, this pistol has provided great recreation during countless range sessions, a “fun gun” if you will!

This book is an attempt to provide a high-quality “user’s manual” and respectful tribute to the gun.”

This revised and expanded 8 1/2 x 11″ edition is 188 pages long, contains 142 photographs and 12 tables. It is spine bound like all of my books in this size.  It is twice the length of the original book and includes much information not available in the original book.

The book costs $34.95 + $5.00 S&H for a total of $39.95 in the Continental US.

As with all my products, ordering can be done two ways.  One is to go to and use my email address as the “Recipient” under “Send Money”. (Use for this.) Just follow the simple instructions. Under “Notes”, put what you are buying (to help me not make mistakes on this end) along with your name and mailing address.  When payment is made, PayPal notifies me and I’ll let you know via email when your order is being mailed.  I normally mail on M, W and F.

If you prefer, orders can be made by regular mail.  Send payment (cash, check, MO or cashier’s check) to:

Sandra Camp

136 Trail of the Flowers

Georgetown, TX 78633

Be sure to advise what you are buying with the order along with your name and mailing address.  If you will also jot down your email address, I’ll be most happy to let you know when payment has arrived and when your order is being mailed.

I appreciate your interest in my work.