One TK Custom extended firing pin installed and all is right with the 442. I shot another 150 rounds through the gun and it has had a several hundred dry presses by now.

I found myself shooting target focused on these recent range sessions. It worked well with the little UC and the amazing sights they have put on it. Thank you, Lipsey’s and Jason Cloessner for encouraging S&W in this direction. I shoot red dots almost exclusively these days but anytime I pick up an iron sighted gun, my eyes are generally drawn to the front sight as Steve trained me to do many years ago. With these sights, I frame what I want to hit between the ears at the top of the U, put the big green blob under what I want to hit, press the trigger, and watch holes appear in the target. It is a great design for a J-frame sight and I am excited about learning more from using them.
However, one thing I have already learned is that I need to be more careful in low light to bottom the green blob in the U. I shot over the shoulder of a human silhouette target at 15 yards in dim lighting conditions while I was leaning around cover. I put several more into the chin of the target when aiming for the body at 10 yards. The lighting was such that I did not need a light to see the target was a threat but it made the bottom of the U somewhat indistinct. I did not have enough of the wings exposed above the front sight to hit POA. This is a “me” problem but I find it an easy mistake to make. I have added some low light dry practice with this gun to build the habit
The gun has 360 rounds through it with no failures in the last 150+. I will keep you updated.