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Stephen A. Camp’s

Hi Powers and Handguns

  • 9mm Glock Barrel Support: Adequate or Not?

    Whether a fan of Glock handguns or not, most agree that the Glock “KB” (“Ka Boom”) is a topic that is both enduring and widely-discussed on many firearm boards.  Glock detractors frequent speak of inadequate chamber support, flawed gun design allowing the pistol to be fired with the barrel slightly out of battery to skyrocketing…

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  • Plugging the Glock: Yea or Nay?

    That Mr. Gaston Glock’s handguns are widely-used cannot be in question.  Whether admired or reviled, his pistols fill police and military holsters worldwide and where free men still exist, Glock handguns continue to be popular choices. As is frequently the case with popular handguns, people seek to customize or modify them for various reasons ranging…

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  • Night of the Living “Limp Wrist”

    Almost as “intellectual” as the seemingly endless stream of “zombie threads” infecting some firearm forums is the near-universal answer of “limp wristing” as the cause of nearly all autoloader malfunctions.  IF this is correct, then something must be in the nation’s water supply because limp wristing has become a consistent “answer” for a pistol failing to extract,…

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  • FAQ on Self-Defense Handguns & “Stopping Power”

    Over time I receive numerous questions concerning the “right” handgun for self-protection as well as requests for information on the “best” loads/calibers for “stopping” someone who is bent upon doing one harm. I thought that it might be interesting to compile the most commonly asked questions I receive and answer them in an article, but…

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  • Which is the Best 1911 Grip Safety, GI or Beavertail?

    This is a question that is discussed repeatedly on various shooting forums and the answers usually fall into those listed below: Answer 1: The standard GI grip safety is the best. If it weren’t, John Browning wouldn’t have put it on the gun in the first place. Answer 2: The beavertail is best. It allows for a…

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  • Is it better to be a good target or combat shot?

    This question comes up frequently on various shooting sites as well as my email inbox.  Recently I read a thread in which an instructor was saying folks were shooting “good” if they had hits that were spread out and “bad” if their shots were tightly grouped.  The inference was that they were shooting too slowly…

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