• The Revolver: Obsolete or Enduring?

    Some of us have read articles either in print or at gun forums concerning the revolver’s being obsolete. Usually, this is in the context of defense use with focus being on: 1.        Limited number of shots compared to the semiautomatic 2.        Ease of reloading the automatic While both sides have their supporters and detractors, what is the…

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  • Is the Single-Action Automatic Obsolete?

    I have a friend who chides those of us using Hi Powers and other single-action automatics as “living in the past” and playfully encourages us to “move into the 21st century” with our pistols, referring to his well-used Glock 17.  Now, he’s just kidding because he knows that “we” are wedded to these pistols, but others…

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  • 38 Special or 380 ACP?

    Despite there being more potent handguns available in similar size packages, these two calibers continue to take a significant portion of the defensive handgun market share. As both remain popular, we see debate on a regular basis concerning which is the “best.” John M. Browning’s .380 ACP cartridge continues to be popular with those using…

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  • Glock 26 Velocities

    All information is based on 10-shot averages from the 3.46″ factory Glock barrel in a Glock 26. Average velocities, extreme spreads, and standard deviations are in ft/sec. An asterisk by the load indicates that it is no longer made. Some Glock 26 shooters may still have some of this ammunition so the data is included.…

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  • The Enduring Snubnose

    Almost since handguns hit the scene there has been an effort to reduce their size for carrying and concealment purposes.  Examples would include the small derringers and pepperbox handguns that settled many a dispute over who actually won a hand of poker. The Peacemaker had its barrel shortened and ejector rod removed and was sold…

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  • SIG-Sauer P-220 Chronograph Results

    That the .45 ACP is a popular self-defense cartridge in the US is an understatement. It is probably the “yardstick” by which other defensive cartridges are measured. Most popular is probably the full-size 1911 having a 5″ barrel, but smaller handguns are frequently used. Some people are just not comfortable with cocked and locked carry and a…

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