• New Grips for my Makarovs

    Hello. Ever since seeing the magic worked by Mr. Craig Spegel and Mr. Hakan Pek on their handgun stocks, I’ve sort of kept my eyes open for new handgun grip makers. I noticed a fellow named “Erich” on several boards with some really nice looking grips on a Makarov. It turns out that they were…

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  • Shooting the S&W Model 14-3 

    Hello. A past range session was with an “old friend”, a shooter that was common decades ago but that has sadly gone the way of too many classic firearms in my opinion. In today’s world, it is probably not” tactical” enough for many shooters…and that’s fine. While I don’t expect all shooters or handgunners to share the exact same…

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  • Shooting the S&W Model 12

    Essentially an aluminum frame Model 10, the S&W Model 12 was manufactured from 1953 to 1958, with model numbers running from 12-1 to 12-4. Before the 12-4, these revolvers had a frame that was 0.08” thinner than their steel counterparts and hammers measuring 0.240” wide compared to the usual 0.265” wide hammers on the Model…

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  • Range Report: SIG-Sauer DAK P-220 SAS .45 ACP

    At one time when the words “forty-five automatic” were heard, the Colt Government Model immediately came to mind. Times have changed and more than a few different pistols are chambered in this American favorite, though the great 1911-pattern pistol continues to reign at or near the top of popularity polls. I have long been an…

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  • Shooting the S&W Model 10 in Defense

    A while back I wrote an article suggesting that the K-frame .38 Special, specifically the Model 10 w/4″ HB, could make a very viable home defense gun, range gun or “insurance policy” to take when camping and so forth. Not as easy to conceal as some smaller revolvers and autos, the 4″ Smith & Wesson…

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  • HK P7: A Triumph of Technology over Marketability?

    By David Tong Most regular readers of this website like single-action pistols, and I also prefer my service-type handguns in .45ACP constructed with little to no plastic on them, as it’s my view that using plastics are just a cost savings method for the manufacturer. True, they may be more ultimately durable and they are…

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  • An HBE IWB Holster for 1911’s

    It’s probably a pretty safe bet that the longer pistoleros have been involved with “the addiction”, the larger their holster collection grows. In my case, the number of holsters may very well exceed the number of handguns I actually own and many find their way into “the box,” a final resting place for holsters that…

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