• 44, 45 and 460 Caliber Quick Strips from Tuff Products

    Hello. A while back, I ordered four packages of Tuff Products’ “Quick Strips” for .44/.45/.460 and .410 Shotgun at $8.49 per pack. I did this on-line and communication and purchase verification were 1st-rate. My order arrived four days after the order was placed. The Quick Strips come two to a package. (Product # 7002-BP-44) Like…

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  • .38 S&W (The Other .38)

    by Aaron Brudenell If you’ve ever paged through a reloading manual or a copy of Cartridges of the World, you’ll find a lot of the smaller non-mainstream handgun cartridges described as useful for “taking small game” but little is said about their potential effectiveness in an anti-personnel role.  Like most of these cartridges, they exist in…

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  • Falcon Industries 1911 Ergo Grips

    Hello. A friend of mine dropped by the other day to show me a new 1911-pattern pistol he’d just purchased and I noted that the textured stocks he had on it really offered a secure grip. I asked about them and he said that they were bought via Brownells’ site for about $25.00 a pop.…

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  • Range Report: Bersa Series 95 (Nickled)

    Hello. A while back, a fellow wanted to sell a Bersa Series 95 that he had purchased new and had fired but 200 factory rounds through. It would come with one extra magazine at what I thought was a fair price. The pistol was as described and he tossed in a box of Fiocchi 90-gr.…

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  • The Defensive Makarov  Revisited

    Hello. A good while back I penned out a thing called “A Case FOR the Defensive Makarov” and after receiving several queries concerning how “appropriate” the 9x18mm Makarov is as a defensive arm, I decided that a follow-up piece might be of service. My perception of why the Makarov remains so popular with many shooters…

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  • First Shots: S&W Model 66-2

    Hello. At a past gun show, I picked up an unfired S&W Model 66 .357 Magnum revolver with the 2 1/2″ bbl. It had some nice aftermarket stocks on it but I opted to refinish a set of the factory service stocks instead since the regular factory round butt stocks work fine for me. When…

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