• Long-Term Observations & Short-Term Hopes: SIG-Sauer P220

    In 1975 the 9mm P220 was adopted by the Swiss military, replacing the legendary SIG P210. A year later, it was brought out in .45 ACP, presumably for sales in the western hemisphere where this caliber enjoys continuing long-term popularity, and was imported as the “Browning BDA” early on.  Over the years, this single-stack design…

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  • Shooting a Customized 9mm Star Model B

    The first handgun I purchased on my own as an adult was a Star Model B in the early 1970’s.  It served well but eventually I traded it off in the quest for other handguns, particularly Browning Hi Powers but it I always regretted it.  Though I owned other Star handguns in the decades that…

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  • Shooting the Glock 17L: Part II

    A few months ago I presented an initial write-up on shooting the Glock 17L. For anyone interested, here is a link to it:  http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/shooting_the_glock_17l.htm The overall gist of the article was positive but I frequently revisit promising handguns that I simply do not have lots of long-term “trigger-time” with…and so it is with the G17L.…

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  • Shooting the CZ Kadet .22 LR Conversion, Pt. II

    My luck with the Kadet conversion has been satisfactory and it shows no signs of undue wear after 14 years of use.  Like a certain watch commercial, “It just keeps on ticking”! With the exception of replacing the initial firing pin with the improved “chisel-shaped” one that is now standard, not one part has been replaced…

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  • “House Guns and the 24/7 Solution”

    “I in my own house am an emperor,  and will defend what is mine.” Massinger-The Roman Actor. Act 1. Sc. 2.33 It is no secret that more honest citizens are lawfully carrying concealed handguns than ever before due to more states enacting concealed carry laws, a change that I heartily welcome.  Handgun manufacturers responded with “compact” or “ultra-compact” versions…

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  • Favorite Handguns: S&W Model 64/65 w/3” Barrel

    I am not alone in being extremely fond of these stainless steel 3” K-Frame revolvers.  The Model 64 is chambered for .38 Special and the near-identical 65 for the .357 Magnum.  Before law enforcement’s exodus to the autoloader, 3” K-Frame S&W’s were popular with more than a few agencies including the FBI and NYPD. But…

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  • Choosing a Defensive Pistol: Individual Requirements

    It is a pretty safe bet that one of the most cussed and discussed topics on-line and in print concerns choosing the “best” defensive handgun extant. People putting forth arguments for high-dollar selections frequently get labeled “snobs” while those fervently supporting any brand handgun are labeled “fanboys”, though I see this term used more with Glock aficionados…

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