I was getting some initial groupings with an Aero M5 .308 rifle at 50 yards just to have it on paper and collect some velocity data when I realized it was a perfect opportunity to get some more rounds through the GHP. Yes, that is a 4 inch group at 50 yards.
The Atlanta Arms 115 grain JHP ammunition is very accurate match grade handgun ammunition. Myself and a couple of others have shot scores in the high 570’s with Gen 5 Glock 17s with red dot sights on PPC Match 5 with this ammunition. The ammunition will shoot.
Groups at 25 yards are always prettier but 50 yard groups really tell the story of handgun accuracy, for me. The ability to shoot into 5 inches or better at 50 yards has always given me confidence that if I am armed only with a handgun against an attacker with a rifle at longer range then I have a very good chance of hitting the adversary in a place that will stop their attack. They could be using cover and/ or wearing body armor but with a handgun that accurate, I have a chance if I can do my part. On a less serious note, it gives me confidence to shoot at game animals, or pests, out to that range. However, with animals it is more of a “no further than” distance.
On our old outdoor range, a few of us would routinely shoot at steel targets from 100 yards, and further, with our duty pistols. They were usually 1911s in .45 ACP but in the later years, they were 9mm Glocks, HKs, and Smith & Wessons.
Of note on the groups in this article, I held dead on with my 25 yard zero. I believe shooting off the rest causes the gun to bounce a little and deliver the shots about 3-4 inches higher than they would without the front supported.
I also shot a group with some of Steve’s handloaded 124 XTPs. The load data shows 6.0 gr of Unique in mixed cases with Winchester primers. The date on the loads is 10-08-02, so they have been around a while. They did not group as well. Some of that could be me. I had already been shooting for a while and shot them after the Atlanta Arms.

I finished my GHP shooting with a group of Hornady Critical Duty 135 +P. This stuff generally goes into 2-3 inches at 25 yards with Gen 5 Glocks. I cannot explain how two of them went into the x-ring and the other 3 were high and high left. I did not call them off but it is odd enough that I will definitely shoot them again sometime to diagnose a little more.

Velocity data was gathered with Steve’s Chrony set 10 feet from the muzzle. I shot the groups over it so there are only 5 rounds for each load.
Atlanta Arms 115 gr JHP 1118/ 1099/ 1118/ 1142/ 1121 = Avg 1119.6
S.Camp HL 124 XTP 6.0 Unique 1214/ 1245/ 1221/ 1201/ 1227 = Avg 1221.6
Hornady 135 +P Cr. Duty 1098/ 1090/ 1099/ 1106/ 1113 =Avg 1101.1
The GHP continues to impress me, especially for what it cost. After shooting Steve’s Hi Powers last time, I can really feel the heaviness and grit in the GHP trigger. I also noticed that the fiber optic had left the gun during my last shooting session. Some of you may have noticed it in the pictures. I might put a green insert in it later but it doesn’t hurt anything to stay the way it is. I look forward to shooting the GHP a lot more.
4 responses to “Girsan MC P35 Ops Part 3”
I just picked up a Girsan MC P35 OPS Optic myself this past week. I am also contemplating a different RDS for it. I ordered an ADE Spike, but then realized after looking at the user manual, dial in disk, and green handle sight adjustment tool that it is probably made by the Chinese firm that makes the RDS that comes with the GHP. The only difference is that the Spike had two white dots instead of the fiber optic in the rear. The Spike went back to the store, and I am debating a Holosun, possibly a EPS Carry, but more probably a 407K or 507K.
Have you found a decent holster that will work with the rail?
I like the EPS Carry optics, too. I replaced some 507Ks with EPS or EPS Carry sights and that was how I came to have a 507K lying around for the GHP project.
For holsters, I have the Davis Leather Omega for a non-railed 1911 that I tightened some and it works the best. Outside of that holster, the GHP will not fit into a non-railed 1911 holster. I also have a railed 2011 holster from JM Custom Kydex that I tightened a bit. The GHP does not snap into the kydex due to the different trigger guard shape but there is enough friction to keep it in place if I turn the holster upside down. I do think that a railed 1911 holster should work okay, especially if it offers some adjustment. I have found that leather 1911 holsters tend to have just the right amount of “drag” on Hi Powers, whereas Kydex needs some significant adjustment. I hope this helps. Allen
I guess that I will have to dig around in my “box O holsters” to see if I have a 1911 holster that will work. Another complication, for me, is that I am left handed.
As to the RDS, I took a look at a 507C* that is mounted on a PSA Dagger that I have. It is wider than the “Derry” optic that is on the Girsan which overhangs the slide a bit already. I may just stick with the “Derry” until it gives up the ghost before changing it out. I’m thinking that if Sig gets their act together with the Romeo Zero Elite, that it might be a good choice since it is narrower.
*Funny story, I ordered a Dagger slide with a 407C for some ridiculously low price from PSA. What arrived was a 507C X2 (solar) mounted, which made the deal an even greater bargain.
Before someone discovers my error and corrects me, I will come clean.
I mixed up the 507C and 507K. For some reason I tend to think of the “C” as being the smaller one. So, I ordered a 507K to put on the Girsan, fully expecting that it will do what I need.
I still need to drag out the old “box o holsters”.