
  • Girsan MC P35 Ops Part 6

    Baby’s got new screws…and magazine springs. The first screws I ordered from McMaster-Carr were lost in USPS- Haslet for two weeks. They were the wrong head diameter (my fault). I found Freedom Gorilla has all sizes of screws for Holosun optics and I ordered a set of M4 by 10mm screws from them. They were…

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  • Books Now In Color!

    To my eye, the colors make the books look more like the site has always looked. I went to a slightly heavier paper to keep the bleed through at bay but I am still able to print the books at the same rates that Mrs. Camp set when I took over the site. Clicking on…

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  • Glock Gen 5

    The Glock pistols are reliable and effective guns for self defense. For most of the brand’s life, they have been 3″ guns at 25 yards. Some might be a half inch better and some a half inch worse. They are not as easy to shoot into that group as a gun with a good single…

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  • Books Update Sep 3, 2024

    The plan was for me to run the site for a time and take over printing the books much later. Mrs. Camp has asked me to step up and do the printing much sooner than we expected. When you click the Products button it will send you to my Square page where you can buy…

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  • Site Status and Updates

    As many of you are aware, Mrs. Sandra Camp has been running the site and producing the books for all of you. She will continue to produce and ship the books. I have been honored by Sandy’s request for me to take the reins on the website and preserve it. She suggested I add to…

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  • The Hi Power vs. the Javelina!

    A few years ago, a good friend of mine invited me and another friend to hunt with him in far south Texas at a private ranch located near Edinburg. The 500 + miles passed quickly enough and we arrived late in the afternoon. The fine fellow who ran the place was a really knowledgeable reloader,…

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