
  • The Revolver: Obsolete or Enduring?

    Some of us have read articles either in print or at gun forums concerning the revolver’s being obsolete. Usually, this is in the context of defense use with focus being on: 1.        Limited number of shots compared to the semiautomatic 2.        Ease of reloading the automatic While both sides have their supporters and detractors, what is the…

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  • The Enduring Snubnose

    Almost since handguns hit the scene there has been an effort to reduce their size for carrying and concealment purposes.  Examples would include the small derringers and pepperbox handguns that settled many a dispute over who actually won a hand of poker. The Peacemaker had its barrel shortened and ejector rod removed and was sold…

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  • Best Buys in Handguns, Part II: CZ and Ruger

    A gentleman Emailed, suggesting that these two makers be included in the “best buy” category.  I’d been planning to do the CZ pistols, but realized that his suggestion on the other maker was a very valid one. I currently only own one Ruger firearm and it’s a rifle, but I will give you my impressions of the…

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  • The “Old” and the “New”

    I prefer to believe that others who have been shooting longer than I have are reading this board now and again.  It makes me feel younger.  I know some that came down the trail a bit after I did are and there are some that have just gotten into handgunning while others have been in the shooting…

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  • .38 Snub Vs. .357 Snub

    For as long as I can remember, the question of whether or not the .38 Special snub is as potent as the .357 magnum in a snub-nose revolver has been debated again and again. This is not an extensive article, but I think the answer becomes pretty clear. I didn’t have a .357 with a…

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  • Best Buys in Handguns

    After some pretty extensive use and careful observation, I’d like to pass along what I believe are best buys in the handgun market. Nothing will be mentioned that I’ve not personally shot on several occasions and while what I “like” is subjective and may not match your preferences, they might at least provide food for…

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