
  • The Effective Defense Gun

    Forests have been felled to provide paper for this debate; numerous handguns have been created to provide it; new calibers have been spawned and bullet design refined in its name: Effectiveness! But have we really gained anything? I think that the answer is a qualified “yes”. Unlike the ammunition of years gone by, bullets now…

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  • Look, Listen, but Make Up Your Own Mind!

    If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you enjoy shooting and are obviously on the Internet.  Much discussion goes on concerning the “best” handguns for specific purposes, the “best” modifications, the “best” ammunition, and so forth. (This discounts the occasional smart-aleck remark some inevitably drop in the various threads.)  Answers to a specific question will…

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  • I’m not a shooter and have no interest in shooting, but want a gun for home protection.  What should I get? 

    The use of any firearm for self-protection requires at least a minimal amount of training.  You must be at least able to safely handle the weapon.  You must be able to operate it without thinking.  In other words, it’s essential that you be able to get it into action without consciously having to think about it. You need to understand how to maintain the firearm,…

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  • What is the purpose of the handgun?

    It depends on whom you ask.  Those who would gut the Second Amendment would reply that its “purpose” is to kill and maim and that it serves no “sporting” use and should be banned from private ownership. Many handgun aficionados primarily into self-defense concerns would reply “to save one from unexpected attack”. They usually go…

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  • What are your personal choices for self-defense handguns? 

    More than once I’ve stated that my choices don’t have to be your choices. While we all are probably better served with input from others on a topic, in the end, we have to make our own decisions.  If the following information is of some use, that’s good, but in the end, go with what works best for you. .22LR…

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  • What is the Best Handgun?

    At various gun boards we see “What is the best automatic for me to buy?” In areas dedicated to wheel guns the same question concerning revolvers is common as well. Sadly, what too often occurs is that opinions will be given and the thread gets hijacked due to others arguing and sometimes calling names.  I get several…

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  • What gun is best for me? 

    (Suggestions on making decisions.)  A common question on the Internet or in print shooting magazines centers around such questions as “Is Handgun A better than Handgun B” or “What’s the best defense handgun” or “What is the best ammunition”?  You get the idea; people want the best they can buy for their hard-earned dollars and want…

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