Other Semiauto Handguns

  • HK P7: A Triumph of Technology over Marketability?

    By David Tong Most regular readers of this website like single-action pistols, and I also prefer my service-type handguns in .45ACP constructed with little to no plastic on them, as it’s my view that using plastics are just a cost savings method for the manufacturer. True, they may be more ultimately durable and they are…

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  • An HBE IWB Holster for 1911’s

    It’s probably a pretty safe bet that the longer pistoleros have been involved with “the addiction”, the larger their holster collection grows. In my case, the number of holsters may very well exceed the number of handguns I actually own and many find their way into “the box,” a final resting place for holsters that…

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  • “House” vs. “Carry Guns”

    A very frequent question centers on what to get for either a house or carry gun as well as choice for the person wanting one for both. With about the same frequency come questions on loads, calibers, and the guns themselves. I already have some articles that hit at my opinions on these topics, but thought that it might…

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  • Best Buys In Handguns, Part III: Used/Surplus

    By Aaron Brudenell Many folks interested in firearms will choose the ones they collect for a number of reasons. Some accumulate products from one gun maker, a specific time or event, or even a single model that may have been copied by numerous manufacturers. Whatever a person’s criteria, most of us will find it hard…

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  • Automatics: What Action Type for Me?

    Perhaps more today than ever before the prospective handgun buyer can be bedazzled by the array of semiautomatic pistols available, and for some these seemingly infinite choices can be confusing. Assuming that our buyer has waded through the endless debates on “stopping power” and had decided on caliber, he or she still has to decide…

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  • Taking a Look at the FNP9 Pistol

    FN, short for Fabrique Nationale, is and has been a producer of fine firearms for decades. Located in Belgium, it is well known among shooting enthusiast, but not so familiar to all that purchase firearms. Examples include firearms with the Browning name such as their older line of bolt-action rifles, automatic shotguns, and the Browning Hi Power pistol. Though…

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  • Handgun Review: Ruger P345 and Taurus PT1911

    By Aaron Brudenell It’s not lost on me the timeliness of conducting this review shortly after the passing of Col. Jeff Cooper. For most of my time and interest spent on firearms, the .45 ACP was never a front burner priority for me. Only recently have I rediscovered the enjoyment of shooting the cartridge and…

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