Other Semiauto Handguns

  • What is a “Hungarian Makarov”?

    The answer is, “A misnomer for a pistol that never existed.”  No actual Makarov-pattern pistol was made in Hungary (or Czechoslovakia) though other makes of compact semiautos chambered for the 9x18mm Makarov certainly were.  True Makarov pistols have been made in Russia, China, East Germany, Germany (after being reunited) and Bulgaria. Makarovs are usually seen in 9x18mm though some can be…

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  • What Handguns do you personally Use for Home Defense?

    I am asked this on a fairly regular basis via personal messaging on the forums or by email. Some just assume that I always use a Hi Power and go from there, but the truth is that over the years I’ve used different handgun types, each presenting its own positive…and not-so-positive characteristics.  I am not…

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  • What is meant by Double-Action and Single-Action?

    This question is frequently asked or seen being incorrectly defined.  I thought that it might be of use to some to explain these terms and provide examples. Traditionally, the term “single-action” refers to a specific handgun action in which the trigger performs but a single function; it drops the hammer which fires the gun. Similarly, “double-action” describes…

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  • 9mm Glock Barrel Support: Adequate or Not?

    Whether a fan of Glock handguns or not, most agree that the Glock “KB” (“Ka Boom”) is a topic that is both enduring and widely-discussed on many firearm boards.  Glock detractors frequent speak of inadequate chamber support, flawed gun design allowing the pistol to be fired with the barrel slightly out of battery to skyrocketing…

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  • Plugging the Glock: Yea or Nay?

    That Mr. Gaston Glock’s handguns are widely-used cannot be in question.  Whether admired or reviled, his pistols fill police and military holsters worldwide and where free men still exist, Glock handguns continue to be popular choices. As is frequently the case with popular handguns, people seek to customize or modify them for various reasons ranging…

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  • Night of the Living “Limp Wrist”

    Almost as “intellectual” as the seemingly endless stream of “zombie threads” infecting some firearm forums is the near-universal answer of “limp wristing” as the cause of nearly all autoloader malfunctions.  IF this is correct, then something must be in the nation’s water supply because limp wristing has become a consistent “answer” for a pistol failing to extract,…

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