Other Semiauto Handguns

  • Sig P365 Fuse Follow Up

    Thanks to R and M for their comments, you get a follow up. I appreciate you guys so I wanted to dig a little deeper. As always, this is my take and may not reflect your experiences. I ordered an NDZ aluminum XXL backstrap and some Talon Grips Pro textured tape. I installed this on…

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  • Sig Sauer P365 Fuse

    The longer slide length appealed to me, so I decided to use this as a test bed for how superior the Macro-sized P365 might be to the XL sized grip module. I did run the Fuse grip module with the XL top end for a direct comparison but we will focus on the Fuse for…

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  • Sig Sauer P365XL

    This is one of those guns that I hate to love. It is too small to be comfortable shooting it for long range sessions and can be challenging for me to get my support hand onto in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, the thing shoots like a significantly larger gun, which makes me want to carry…

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  • Glock Gen 5

    The Glock pistols are reliable and effective guns for self defense. For most of the brand’s life, they have been 3″ guns at 25 yards. Some might be a half inch better and some a half inch worse. They are not as easy to shoot into that group as a gun with a good single…

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  • Which is the Best Choice for Me: Glock 19 or FNX9?

    I am surprised by the huge number of emails I’ve received asking this very question! The honest answer is, “I really don’t know.”  Each of us has uniquely personal “life filters” and experiences influencing what we find important in a given handgun design, either as a “must have” or to avoid at all cost!  Some believe that the…

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  • Are Glock Pistols Unsafe?

    “Perfection” is a term Glock uses with respect to its extensive line of popular “safe action” autoloading handguns, but “unsafe” is a descriptor used by some detractors of the design. Is either correct or are both wrong or might the truth lie somewhere in between? Glock pistols are striker-fired designs in which pressing the trigger fully retracts and…

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  • Which is Best: Glock 17 or 19?

    That Glock 9mm handguns are both popular and used worldwide is not even a question but firearm forums frequently field queries on which is the better choice between the G17 and 19.  Folks faithful to one or the other usually respond by singing the praises of their particular favorite. The G17 is described by the…

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