Browning Hi Power

  • Why should I buy a Browning Hi Power?

    There are more modern designs available and everybody says that they have terrible trigger pulls.  Whether or not you buy a Hi Power is really up to you and what you like. There are more modern designs, but if you still prefer the single-action automatic for use at the range, small game hunting, or personal protection, there’s really…

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  • What to Look for if Buying a Used Hi Power

    Some of the best deals I’ve gotten on Hi Powers have been from buying used ones at a good price. I’d say to look for the following: 1.  What’s the overall appearance of the pistol?  A worn finish does not always indicate heavy use or neglect, but it might so it’s something to check.  Frequently, it might be like…

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  • What about putting shock buffers in Hi Powers?

    What about putting a buffer in my Hi Power?  Does this really do anything and can it affect reliability? The plastic buffers became popular in 1911 pistols several years ago, but have not been without controversy.  Some believe that they are a key player in a heavily shot handgun’s longevity while others believe that they’re not…

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  • Is the Browning Hi Power a good defense gun for me?

      I shot a friend’s Browning Hi Power 9mm and liked it.  Would it make a good self-defense gun? I’ve heard that 9mm is too weak for self-protection.  I like the gun, but not the caliber. There are factors besides caliber in determining what makes a “good” self-defense handgun. Reliability is the first thing, regardless of caliber,…

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  • “House Guns and the 24/7 Solution”

    “I in my own house am an emperor,  and will defend what is mine.” Massinger-The Roman Actor. Act 1. Sc. 2.33 It is no secret that more honest citizens are lawfully carrying concealed handguns than ever before due to more states enacting concealed carry laws, a change that I heartily welcome.  Handgun manufacturers responded with “compact” or “ultra-compact” versions…

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  • Choosing a Defensive Pistol: Individual Requirements

    It is a pretty safe bet that one of the most cussed and discussed topics on-line and in print concerns choosing the “best” defensive handgun extant. People putting forth arguments for high-dollar selections frequently get labeled “snobs” while those fervently supporting any brand handgun are labeled “fanboys”, though I see this term used more with Glock aficionados…

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