Browning Hi Power

  • What Handguns do you personally Use for Home Defense?

    I am asked this on a fairly regular basis via personal messaging on the forums or by email. Some just assume that I always use a Hi Power and go from there, but the truth is that over the years I’ve used different handgun types, each presenting its own positive…and not-so-positive characteristics.  I am not…

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  • Does My Hi Power Have a Forged or Cast Frame?

    None of the classic style Hi Powers has cast frames. None of the Mk II 9mm’s has cast frames. Early 9mm Mk III pistols didn’t have them either. All had forged frames. With the advent of the .40 Hi Power, FN went to cast frames and a different heat treatment that resulted in “harder” frames.…

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  • FAQ on Self-Defense Handguns & “Stopping Power”

    Over time I receive numerous questions concerning the “right” handgun for self-protection as well as requests for information on the “best” loads/calibers for “stopping” someone who is bent upon doing one harm. I thought that it might be interesting to compile the most commonly asked questions I receive and answer them in an article, but…

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  • Is it better to be a good target or combat shot?

    This question comes up frequently on various shooting sites as well as my email inbox.  Recently I read a thread in which an instructor was saying folks were shooting “good” if they had hits that were spread out and “bad” if their shots were tightly grouped.  The inference was that they were shooting too slowly…

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  • Self-Defense: Caliber or Capacity?

    Tangentially related to discussions concerning self-protection handguns is the ammunition capacity question: Should I go with larger caliber or more shots? Is higher magazine capacity and greater “firepower” more important or does everything pale when compared to caliber? With the trend strongly favoring autoloaders now, the comparison frequently centers on .45 ACP vs. 9mm. It…

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  • What do you know about the SFS set-up on the Hi Power?

    Not much, but I’ll share what I believe to be true.  I have shot one but not extensively and have no long-term experience. Bill Laughridge of Cylinder and Slide sells the parts to convert a conventional single-action Hi Power to the “Safety Fast System”.  For information check the following link: It can be installed and used or removed…

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  • The Effective Defense Gun

    Forests have been felled to provide paper for this debate; numerous handguns have been created to provide it; new calibers have been spawned and bullet design refined in its name: Effectiveness! But have we really gained anything? I think that the answer is a qualified “yes”. Unlike the ammunition of years gone by, bullets now…

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