Books Update Sep 3, 2024

The plan was for me to run the site for a time and take over printing the books much later. Mrs. Camp has asked me to step up and do the printing much sooner than we expected.

When you click the Products button it will send you to my Square page where you can buy the books using credit cards and other electronic payment methods. If you still wish to send a check, then send me an email and we can work that out.

I will happily answer any questions you may have. Any proceeds from the books will go to fund the ammunition used for the articles on the site. That is what Steve did with it and it just seems right that it continue that way.

I have some exciting news about the way the books look that I will announce in the next couple of weeks. Technology has come a long way in the last few years and I think I may be able to give you a treat, or two.


2 responses to “Books Update Sep 3, 2024”

  1. max albritton Avatar
    max albritton

    My friend showed up yesterday with what appears to be an OD HP magazine. It looks right, but is a bit too long to lock into place. Any idea as to what it might be?

    1. Allen Zant Avatar
      Allen Zant

      It is hard to say what that magazine might be. I know that Beretta 92 and many of the double stack magazines will insert into a Hi Power but not lock. Most all of the double stack 9mm magazines that came after 1935 were at least influenced by the Browning/ Saive design and are all about the same width and length. I wish I could be more help. Allen

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